Leading People: Influence and Servant Leadership Essentials


The ability of leading people effectively is more important than ever. Leadership is not just about managing tasks; it’s about guiding, inspiring, and empowering individuals to achieve their best. For modern leaders, developing influence is key. However, this requires more than authority—it involves emotional intelligence and a servant-first mindset. In this article, we’ll explore what it truly means to lead people, define servant leadership, and discover how leaders with influence drive success.

What Does Leading People Mean?

Leading people is more than just telling others what to do. It involves inspiring and motivating individuals to work toward shared goals. Leaders must build trust and strong relationships to influence their teams effectively. Leaders influence others by setting clear expectations, offering support, and recognizing each person’s strengths.

According to Daniel Goleman, leadership expert and author of “Emotional Intelligence,” emotional intelligence is critical to leading people well. Leaders who understand their emotions—and those of their team—can build strong connections. These connections foster loyalty, motivation, and long-term success.

Defining Servant Leadership

Servant leadership is a leadership style where the leader prioritizes the needs of their team. Unlike traditional leadership, where power and control are at the forefront, servant leadership emphasizes empathy, humility, and collaboration. Servant leaders believe that by serving their team, they will achieve better results.

This approach has proven highly effective. In fact, a 2023 study by Gallup found that organizations with servant leaders experience a 25% increase in employee engagement and a 15% rise in productivity. Therefore, adopting a servant-first mindset can have a significant impact on team performance.

How Leaders Influence Others

Influence is a critical skill for any leader. Rather than relying on authority alone, leaders with influence use communication, vision, and emotional intelligence to guide their teams. These leaders inspire others by creating a clear sense of purpose and aligning their team with organizational goals.

Research shows that emotional intelligence plays a significant role in this process. According to a study by TalentSmart, 90% of top-performing leaders have high emotional intelligence. Moreover, teams led by emotionally intelligent leaders perform 20% better than others. Therefore, it’s clear that EQ is essential for leading people.

Why Emotional Intelligence Matters

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to understand and manage both your own emotions and the emotions of others. For leaders, this skill is critical. Leaders with high EQ communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts faster, and build stronger relationships with their teams.

In fact, Daniel Goleman’s research indicates that emotional intelligence accounts for nearly 90% of what sets top leaders apart from their peers. Therefore, by developing emotional intelligence, leaders can better influence people and create a positive work environment.

Servant Leadership vs. Traditional Leadership

Traditional leadership often focuses on authority and control. While this approach can lead to short-term results, it may harm team morale over time. In contrast, servant leadership focuses on the growth and well-being of the team. This leadership style builds trust, encourages collaboration, and fosters long-term success.

According to a 2023 report by Harvard Business Review, organizations that adopt servant leadership see a 35% increase in employee retention compared to those with traditional leadership styles. As a result, many modern organizations are shifting toward servant leadership to create a more positive and productive workplace.

How to Become a Leader with Influence

Becoming a leader with influence doesn’t happen overnight. It requires intentional effort and a focus on personal growth. Here are a few tips to help leaders enhance their ability to influence people:

  1. Cultivate Emotional Intelligence
    Regularly practice self-awareness, empathy, and active listening. These skills can help leaders build stronger relationships with their teams.
  2. Communicate Clearly and Often
    Effective communication is key. Leaders with influence ensure their team understands the vision, goals, and expectations clearly.
  3. Lead by Example
    Actions speak louder than words. Leaders who model the behaviors they expect from others are more likely to inspire trust and loyalty.
  4. Foster a Collaborative Culture
    Collaboration drives innovation and success. Encourage open dialogue and teamwork to create a more inclusive and productive environment.

FAQs About Leading People and Leadership Influence

  1. What is the key to leading people effectively?
    Emotional intelligence is crucial. It helps leaders connect with their teams and inspire them to perform at their best.
  2. How does servant leadership improve team performance?
    Servant leadership fosters trust, engagement, and a sense of ownership among team members, which leads to higher productivity.
  3. What’s the difference between leading and managing people?
    Managing is task-oriented, while leading is about inspiring and guiding people toward a shared vision.
  4. Can leadership influence be learned?
    Yes, with practice and self-awareness, anyone can develop the ability to influence others effectively.
  5. What role does vision play in leading people?
    A clear vision helps align team efforts and motivates individuals to work toward common goals.
  6. Is emotional intelligence something you can improve?
    Absolutely. With training and self-reflection, leaders can improve their emotional intelligence over time.
  7. Why is servant leadership becoming more popular?
    It aligns with modern values like empathy, inclusion, and collaboration, making it a more sustainable approach.
  8. How do leaders with influence manage conflict?
    They use emotional intelligence, active listening, and negotiation skills to resolve disputes and maintain harmony.
  9. What are the main challenges of becoming a leader with influence?
    Building trust, overcoming resistance to change, and managing diverse personalities can be challenging.
  10. Why is continuous leadership development important?
    Continuous development helps leaders stay adaptable, informed, and effective in a rapidly changing world.


Leading people effectively requires a deep understanding of influence, emotional intelligence, and servant leadership. Leaders who develop these skills can guide their teams toward success while creating a positive and collaborative work environment. As we’ve seen, both emotional intelligence and servant leadership are essential for modern leaders who want to inspire and empower their teams.

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